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 Wasp nest removal in Great Bealings is a popular service carried out daily throughout the summer months. If you notice you have a wasp nest in your home or garden it is best to get the problem eradicated as soon as possible. The later in the season the nest is left the more likely that stings may occur as the wasps become more aggressive later in season. Care needs to be taken when dealing with wasps or hornets as they have a potent sting and can attack in large numbers if disturbed.

If you are experiencing high numbers of wasps in your home or garden it is likely that there maybe a wasp nest nearby. If the location of a wasp nest is likely to put people at risk, then the nest should be destroyed.

If you would like to make an appointment, or just need advice and would like to ask us a question please use our contact page.

The Wasps

Wasps are persistent and can be a real nuisance when you're eating and drinking outdoors. They nest in loft space, outbuildings and under the ground. Wasps when threatened will sting, painful for adults and doubly painful for children. It is common for a wasp sting can bring on Anaphylactic shock a potentially fatal condition if not treated immediately by medical services. Suffolk Wasp Control use the latest pesticide to kill your wasps straight away removing any threat.
There are appromimately 300 different wasp species in the UK, it is very likely your wasps are 'The common wasp, Vespula vulgaris' or 'The German wasp, or European wasp, Vespula germanica'

In spring, the queens leave their hibernating places and search for nesting sites. Having selected a site, the queen starts to build her nest with a papery material that she makes by chewing wood mixed with saliva. The nest contains cells in which eggs are placed, when the grubs hatch the queen feeds them until they are ready to hatch as wasps.

By July there are sufficient adult workers to take over duties of building the nest and feeding the grubs. Nest building continues until the colony contains many 1000's of workers. During mid and late summer, males and young queens are produced, and the queens fly off to hibernate in dry protected places. As winter draws the nest goes into decline and the remaining worker wasps and males leave the nest and die, only the queen survives the winter in hibernation. In spring, the queens exit their hibernating places................ and the cycle repeats itself! 

The Habitat

The Wasp can form nests in loft spaces, cavities, trees, hedges and in the soil. The nest is formed by the Wasp chewing wood creating a paper like material, which can become extremely large. Colonies survive one season in Britain with a new nest starting each Spring by over wintered Queens. They forage on a wide range of foods including sweet substances, Insects and Spiders. They can be aggressive if threatened.

The Biology

Egg - Larvae - Pupae - Adult

Eggs: many thousands laid by the Queen in hexagonal cells
Larvae: legless Grubs nurtured by workers within their cells
Pupae: Develop approx in 2 weeks in their cells
Adult: Workers winged with black and yellow stripes with an average size of 12mm. Queens are also winged with the same colouring and are slightly larger.

The Control

Dusts are best used in this instance, preferably from a distance as the dust aggravates them. Smoke bombs can be used to kill live Wasps in confined spaces i.e. lofts but will not kill the Egg and Pupae stages. Nests can be removed at a later date once all wasps have died.


Wasps can be a nuisance, particularly if nests are near or within a building. They are feared due to their painful sting, which has been known to be quite dangerous to some, causing Anaphylactic shock.